Turkey CBI Programme

  • Launched in 2017, Turkey’s Citizenship by Investment Programme is a relative newcomer in the citizenship by investment industry, but it has found significant success among Middle Eastern applicants, particularly from Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine, and Egypt.

Benefits of Turkish Citizenship

  • Citizenship of Turkey comes with a wide range of benefits, including:

  • Citizenship for life, with the right to live, work, and possess property in Turkey
  • Citizenship can be passed down to future generations
  • Right to hold dual citizenship
  • Opportunity to apply for an E-2 visa to the United States

Investment Options

Option 01

Real Estate

  • Applicants can purchase property valued at US$400,000 and recognised by the Ministry of Environment and Urbanisation. Successful applicants most hold that property for a minimum of three years.

    Investment Investment Type Required Official Approval Hold Period
    US$400,000 Property Ministry of Environment and Urbanisation 3 years
Option 02

Deposit in a Turkish Bank

  • Applicants can make a US$500,000 deposit in a Turkish bank that is recognised by the Council of Bank Audit and Regulation. Successful applicants must hold the deposit for three years.

    Investment Investment Type Required Official Approval Hold Period
    US$500,000 Deposit in a Turkish bank Council of Bank Audit and Regulation 3 years
Option 03

Government Bonds

  • Applicants can purchase government bonds valued at US$500,000 and recognised by the Ministry of Treasury and Finance. Successful applicants must hold the bonds for three years.

    Investment Investment Type Required Official Approval Hold Period
    US$500,000 Government bonds Ministry of Treasury and Finance 3 years
Option 04

Investment in Fixed Capital

  • Applicants can invest US$500,000 in fixed capital, acknowledged by the Ministry of Industry and Technology.

    Investment Investment Type Required Official Approval Hold Period
    US$500,000 Fixed capital Ministry of Industry and Technology N/A
Option 05

Job Creation

  • Applicants can create 50 jobs in Turkey, which must be acknowledged by the Ministry of Family, Labour, and Social Security.

    Investment Investment Type Required Official Approval Hold Period
    N/A 50 Jobs Ministry of Family, Labour, and Social Security N/A

Application Process

  • The application process in Turkey can be broken down into 8 steps:

    • Step 1: Select your investment option
    • Step 2: Make a residence permit application
    • Step 3: Open a bank account in Turkey
    • Step 4: Make the relevant investment
    • Step 5: Submit your application to the Government
    • Step 6: If successful, applications are approved within 3-6 months
    • Step 7: Documents evidencing citizenship issued
    • Step 8: Submit passport application

Book Consultation

  • Book a free first consultation with one of our citizenship experts and discuss your individual requirements.
    Book Free Consultation
    *Citizenship by investment programme requires a financial investment into the country.

Turkey FAQ's

  • Who is eligible to apply?

    Main applicants must be over the age of 18, possess sufficient funds to make an investment, and must be of good moral character. Main applicants may also include a number of dependants in an application.

    Which family members can I include in my application?

    Main applicants can include:

    • Spouse
    • Children of the main applicant or of the spouse if under the age of 18
    • Children of the main applicant or of the spouse aged 18 or over with a medical condition that renders them dependent

    Are citizens from certain countries barred from applying?

    Turkey does not implement bans based on an applicant’s country of citizenship. Turkey is therefore a popular option for persons who are unable to apply to other programmes, such as those in the Caribbean.

    Is this programme for me?

    The following persons may be a good fit for the programme:

    • Investors and entrepreneurs looking to expand their asset base
    • Nuclear families seeking better global mobility

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