FAQ - 13
What kind of investment qualifies me for citizenship by investment in the Caribbean?
Investment Options
It varies, but all Caribbean countries offer the option to make a direct contribution to the government or invest in government-approved real estate. Direct contributions are usually made to a fund such as the Sustainable Growth Fund in
St Kitts and Nevis and are non-refundable. Usually, these funds are then channelled into national development projects. For example, in
Dominica, the Economic Diversification Fund was used to fund important socio-economic initiatives including constructing weather-resistant housing and a geothermal plant.
Real Estate
Real estate investments must be made in property that has been pre-selected by the government such as hotels and resorts. They come in the form of a purchase and sale agreement between that applicant and the owner of the real estate property. Under the real estate arm, applicants are required to pay a government fee to the relevant government. All
citizenship by investment countries in the Caribbean, require investors in real estate to hold that property for a minimum period ranging from three to seven years depending on the country.
Antigua and Barbuda and St Lucia
Antigua and Barbuda and
St Lucia, however, offer more options than a direct contribution or investment in real estate. In Antigua and Barbuda, for example, investors can choose to make an independent or joint investment in a business or donate to the University of the West Indies fund. In St Lucia, investors can invest in an enterprise or purchase government bonds.
The type of investment that an applicant chooses depends on their specific needs and requirements.
CS Global Partners helps its clients make informed decisions that take this into consideration.